The first two steps are the Yama and the Niyama
eight fold process to attain the purification of body,mind and soul as well as to achieve union with the supreme being.
I-YAMA (Self-restraint)
these are five in numbers.
1. Non-violence (Ahimsa)
2. Truthfulness (Satya)
3. Non stealing (Asteya)
4. Self control
5. Non greed (Aparigraha)
a) Non-violence : love the entire creation, not to cause injury to any living being through thought,words or deeds.
b) Truthfulness: What one sees with one's own eyes, hears with one's own ears and understands through one's own brain.
c) Non-stealing : Not to steal anything and not to be greedy of others wealth or possessions.
d) Self-control : To keep one's sense organs, including the organs of procreation, under control and not to be tempted by the lustful enjoyments through thought, words and deeds.
e) Non-greed : It means non-covetousness.
II- NIYAMA (Healthy observances)
Niyama also five.
a). PURITY: It implies purity, internal and external. The purity of mind. The body can be kept clean and pure. Mind's purity is achieved through giving up of attachment, jealously so that man's thinking becomes pure and clean.
b). CONTENTMENT : One should be content with what ever is acquired while doing one's duty truthfully or whatever is received through the grace of God.
c). FORTITUDE : It means keeping the mind detached and under control and bear pleasure and pain, heat and cold, hunger and thirst with equanimity.
d). SELF STUDY : It is the study of spiritual books to gain real knowledge and spending one's time in the company of good people and sages and exchanging ideas with them.
e). SURRENDER TO THE WILL OF GOD : Worship of God chanting of his name, hearing about him and thinking of him as all pervasive, omnipresent and omniscient.
Yoga for better living
1. PURITY. 2. CONTENTMENT. 3. FORTITUDE. 4. SELF-STUDY. 5. SURRENDER TO THE WILL OF GOD. a). PURITY: It implies purity, internal and external. The purity of mind. The body can be kept clean and pure. Mind's purity is achieved through giving up of attachment, jealously so that man's thinking becomes pure and clean. b). CONTENTMENT : One should be content with what ever is acquired while doing one's duty truthfully or whatever is received through the grace of God. c). FORTITUDE : It means keeping the mind detached and under control and bear pleasure and pain, heat and cold, hunger and thirst with equanimity. d). SELF STUDY : It is the study of spiritual books to gain real knowledge and spending one's time in the company of good people and sages and exchanging ideas with them. e). SURRENDER TO THE WILL OF GOD : Worship of God chanting of his name, hearing about him and thinking of him as all pervasive, omnipresent and omniscient.