Saturday, 23 June 2012


The third step is Asana (posture). The literal meaning of ‘asana’ is seat. Yoga is neither an exercise nor a gymnastic competition. Asanas bring health, strength, beauty, firmness, lightness, clarity of speech and expression, calmness of the nerves and a happy disposition. The daily Asanas are a must for keeping the body fit and pure, purification of veins and nerves and promotion of general health of body. It not only effects the way your body starts functioning but also the way people perceive your confidence levels by just observing your body language. The asanas are two types, 1). Meditation, 2).To gain physical health. Yogasanas are very effective in throwing out all our body wastes and in activating our glands, on the proper functioning of which depends our health and happiness. The body is made up of seven constituent elements. They are chyle, blood, bones, flesh, fat, marrow and semen. These keep the body immune from infection and diseases. The subtle or vital energy called wind prompts breathing, movement, action, excretion, and procreation. By achieving equanimity through asanas and pranayama (control of bio-energy) we control our senses as well as our breathing, which is capable of lengthening life-span.

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