Tuesday, 3 July 2012


The sixth and seventh steps are Concentration (Dharana), and Meditation (Dhyana) respectively. The preliminary stage is Concentration. Meditating with constant on the object of Concentration is Dhyana. Meditation brings serenity which is alert and conscious throughout the life is full of opposites-pain and pleasure, sorrow and joy conflict and peace. If one takes a decision the mind will coin so many excuses to counteract it. The mind can never stick to one’s decisions. The untrained mind flies aimlessly in all directions. Concentration is like a lamp which is covered and does not light up the area out side. When the cover is removed, the lamp lights up the whole area. This is Meditation, which is the expansion of consciousness. When the both the internal and external thoughts are stilled and silenced, there is no waste of physical, mental or intellectual energy. The joys and sorrows of the world are caused by the mind and the likes and dislikes depend upon the mind of a man. In Yoga the first means are the senses, thereafter comes the mind. As the Meditation grows and matures, the mind goes on becoming more and more pure. The concentration of the mind will increase. In Meditation there is no seeking or searching, as the soul and goal have become one. Meditation is essential for all family men, Doctors, Students, Lawyers, men and women, and shop keepers all are benefited by the practice of Meditation. The practice of Concentration (Dharana), and Meditation (Dhyana) leads it to stability, peace and Concentration. 

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